I. core concept system (strategic system) 
1. Corporate mission:In order to create a modern, international and innovative city
2. Corporate vision:Become the most influential operator of urban life experience platform
3. Core values: Mutual sharing
4. Enterprise spirit: The spirit of "special hair" -- never forget the pioneering spirit and never say win

5. "professional" culture: All professionalism makes a good life

Ii. Basic concept system 
6. Business philosophy: Take the customer as the center to innovate as the soul based on resources
7. Management philosophy: It is the responsibility to stress the performance of efficiency
8. Talent philosophy: Provide the platform for the doer to build the stage for the creator
9. Team philosophy: Gather the wisdom of all men to become a common enterprise
10. Service concept: Uphold the integrity of professional ethics throughout
11. Learning philosophy: Practice of seeking truth from the truth
12、Integrity concept: A man of awe knows no danger